I hope all of the moms out there had a great Mother’s Day!
We’re now less than two weeks away from wrapping up the 2019-20 school year as the last day for our students is Thursday, May 21. Our seniors wrap up their high school career later this week as they tackle finals on Tuesday and Wednesday.
This Saturday, please look for our senior tribute that will be posted at 1:00pm, the time of the original graduation ceremony. Even though we have not solidified a specific date for graduation, we felt that it was important to remember our seniors on the original graduation date. In the weeks ahead the administrative team will be working with the Lyon County Health Department and our local board of education to set and plan a graduation ceremony for sometime this summer.
This last Friday, Dr. Argabright and I had the privilege of delivering personalized graduation yard signs to our seniors. We weren’t able to connect with everyone, but it was nice being able to offer our congratulations to those who were home.
Our eighth grade promotion will air on our Facebook page at 6:00 pm on May 19 as a slide show program. The program will include as many of the elements of a traditional ceremony as possible. We encourage you to invite family and friends to access the program at that time as a way to encourage and support the eighth grade class.
We understand that this is not ideal and that this is a big step for your child, as they will be moving from junior high to high school. But we will do our best to honor them and help them in the transition! We are proud of them and it has been an honor and a pleasure watching them grow throughout their pre-high school years.
Last week the administrative team reviewed the survey data from parents, students and staff. Thank you for taking time to provide feedback. Our goal is to put together the best possible continuous learning program. We have shared the information from the surveys with our staff and we continue to make necessary adjustments.
We are a bit behind with pre-enrollment surveys. You should have received a letter in the mail last week and they will be e-mailed to each student tomorrow afternoon.
Our Grab ‘n Go curbside pickup continues from 11:00-12:30 each day. To sign up, please complete the survey that is available on our Facebook page. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAmuzx0I0-vI6yw53-v8ziQ58ca7WAXTIlXAO8txJ0fZqU7g/viewform
Thank you for all you do and keep encouraging your son or daughter to work hard to the end of the year! We’re almost there! Have a great evening and as always, it's a great day to be a Jaguar!